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To celebrate International women’s day we speak to our incredibly inspiring Jacki Brescic; Director of thisisFABRIC - Auckland multi-brand retail, TheAgncy - leading Fashion Wholesale business based in Sydney and Franchise partner with three Anine Bing boutiques.

Jacki has been in the industry for more than 20 years and inspires those around her every day with her passion for lifelong learning and in-depth business knowledge.


Q: Jacki! Hello, to celebrate International Women’s Day we would love to know what it means to you?

Jacki: Hi! I am so fortunate to work with such incredible women, not only in my business but also with the brands we represent and the industry as a whole. It is incredible to have a day to remember to honour all of those women around us, who continue to inspire, in more ways than we will ever know. Whilst it is one day (and it does pain me that we need a day to celebrate incredible women), I hope it is a reminder that we need to do this every day. It’s an opportunity to feel empowered and proud to be a woman supporting women, no matter where you are from or what you do.


Q: What advice would you give to young women starting out in their careers?


  • Define your version of success: To define what success means to you – to me it is a constant will to be my best each day, and to be better than yesterday. To achieve and do great things fearlessly and to have fun whilst doing it. To make sure we lift up those around you, there is space out here for everyone to achieve. 

  • Don’t compare yourself to others: Understand your path is unique to you and the will to be your best is what is important. 

  • Embrace Feedback: The more the better as it is the best way to learn. Keep a learnings doc! Always write down what you’re learning and what you take from it

  • Relationships are everything: Build relationships and connections and always stay in touch. Talk to people, connect, then remember to always stay in touch. 

  • Do the self work: Reading and working on yourself outside your work and job is important. All of the business development and self help books will built your resilience, understanding and EQ – the most important factor in all work. 

  • Accept failure as a step forward: Accept you that you will fail, and not everything will go your way, but learn from it, challenge yourself on it, and remember tomorrow is a new day. (I still do every single day…. Its hard but important to not get hung up on it). 

  • Be Kind - To everyone.



Q. Any quotes you live or work by?

 Jacki: "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast" and "Sharpen the sword" Both of these remind me to stop and take a minute to figure out what we are doing and why (always the most important thing).



Q: What are the top 3 things in your wardrobe that you wear to feel empowered?

Jacki: Jeans, shirt and my Chanel sling backs… and wearing a mini fearlessly.




  Q: We would love to know how did you get into the fashion industry? and how did The Agncy which is now a leader within the domestic and global fashion industry of Australia and New Zealand - begin?


After finishing my sports science degree, I was certain for the Aus Institute of Sport as the scholarship basketball coach (basketball and Fashion being my greatest passions). I unfortunately wasn’t feeling the most inspired by bball at the time, so I thought this was the time for Fashion College – not sure how, but potentially after reading the international fashion magazines at a coffee shop in Paddington with my sister – our daily rituals!!

Off to Fashion College I went, determined to find out what this industry was about, and all I wanted to do was as much (free) work experience as possible! I was offered a job as Brand Manager for a Brand called True Religion Brand Jeans and for a small distributor who had just gained the rights. I nearly turned it down – were it not for the head of the college telling me to take it and that these positions rarely came up (the 30k annual salary didn’t enthuse me, but nonetheless I was in there at 7am each morning, leaving at 7pm, trying to learn everything I could).

I grew with this company, and that’s a whole another story – but managed to do my Execute Masters in Business Administration at the Australian Graduate School of Management at UNSW. One of the hardest things a sport science, fashion college kid could do. But as the saying goes, the hardest things are the most rewarding. It was 4 years of so much stress, pain, learning, joy and at the end it was all worth it, however I knew I wanted my own business.

After almost 10 years at the distributor, I said goodbye to my General Manager role, team of 40, all of my favourite brands that I had procured and a great business and decided to start out on my own!

January 2015! The Agncy was officially born, and I landed in LA, with no brands, no team, (no income) and ready to start! Anine Bing was the first brand I managed to sign for my agncy – and Nico Bing said it would change my life (I retorted with I would change their life in true JB fashion), but he was right it really did! Off and running I was with a brand no one knew or really wanted, and it was time to get it all happening. I do remember often looking around and thinking where is my team, oh right, here I go doing it all. But I loved it... I spent the first year in New York and Paris and flights around Australia, hustling, building, figuring it all out, and started breathing around year 3. 

Q: That is incredible - and now you're the director at thisisFABRIC - how did that come about? Jacki: Fabric was always the store you wanted to launch brands with in NZ – they had launched some of the best in years gone by from Dior Homme, to Isabel Marant and more. I was calling them every week and whenever I would visit Auckland would find myself just sitting in store annoying Tin and Marty!! It strangely always felt like home, and when the opportunity came up to take it over, and work with Marty as founder/part owner whilst ensuring nothing changed for our team, customers and the Fabric experience I jumped at it! It has been one of my greatest joys being able to retail and launch and do “epic things” with Fabric and the Fabric team are just the best. 


 Q: You've definitely got a lot on your plate! How do you manage the daily demands each day?
Jacki: I lead a pretty healthy lifestyle yoga, meditation, and limit to no alcohol, and I work on setting the strategy and goals to make sure all of my teams are set up to win! I try to make sure my energy is good each day to ensure everyone around me gets the best from me. Not always possible, but I try. Weekends are now golf filled, and I love pouring myself into a new hobbie and am quite obsessed. Having time away from work where your brain isn’t thinking about work is so important. Hobbies are key!

  Q. How would you describe your personal style approach?
Jacki: I normally find a good piece to wear and build my look around.

My personal style approach is if you feel good, you are going to look good. Feeling good brings such an element of confidence when you walk out the door, its amazing the effect that has on your day… I have learnt to dress for my (5’11”) tall body shape. I keep it classic and don’t tend to follow trends. I love quality and the way a good pair of jeans or crisp shirt can make you feel – it’s the feeling that makes you walk different, and its that moment of how empowering a good outfit can make you feel. I love a mini skirt, blazer and good heels when I go out! tbh, Normally by the time I’m getting ready I have 35 seconds to choose an outfit and run out the door while my phone is buzzing…

Q: What or who are you currently inspired by?

Jacki:  Everyone I work with! We are creating such amazing moments, and that is what inspires me every day. Our entire team turn up, and proactively want to be the best at what they do, we all care about this and about making people feel good and delivering a great experience. Its so amazing we get to work in this industry – and I’m also inspired by whats next… always pushing the boundaries, never dreamt I’d have 6 retail stores right now with the wholesale business… cannot wait for what we do next.


  Q: I know you can't play favourites but tell us about a special item or piece that you own. What is the story behind it?
Jacki My collection of Smythson notebooks… They have been with me since the start, I love writing, learning, and when I was on my gap year in Scotland in 2000 I bought my first Smythson, and the love affair has been there since..  I journal in the morning, gratitudes at night, strategy and goals always… Not sure I needed a $500 notebook at age 17 when travelling for a year, but it made me feel good (lol), so I did.. .and continue to do.
Shop the forever stylish Jacki Brescic's collection here